Prudent Law Scam
UPDATE: I work with many people who have been scammed by companies promising a mortgage modification and then not delivering. In violation of a 2009 California law this law group required money up front before doing any work. They did nothing. I have written docs and a witness who helped my client deal with Prudent Law Group. They are scammers. Looks like one of them sat down and wrote glowing reports on them. Check them out with one of the search engines. Nobody here gets that many glowing reports. Time to be very cautious. Deal only with your lender first. Then if you are turned down for a mortgage mod by your lender. contact a local community housing organization and they will help you for free. NEVER pay anyone up front for a modification.
Previous post: One of my clients paid Prudent Law Group for a mortgage modification. They required payment before they would do any work. This is a violation of California law. My client paid $4,000 and never got a modification nor any money returned. This is an excessive amount of money by anyone's calculation for a service that can be done for free. I need more information about these people.