rebecca m.'s review of Landsafe Title of California Inc.

Landsafe Title of California Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/16/2010
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Review 9/16/2010
Landsafe Title sucks. Seriously. We bought a bank owned home in Northern California and had the good fortune of being stuck with this escrow company, located in Southern California. They've already delayed closing twice, and we have had to cancel deliveries and repair work twice. Our thirty days notice is up in less than two weeks, and at this point we'll probably be homeless before we close. They don't respond to emails or phone calls from the agents, or escrow coordinators. They didn't give us the opening package until a day before closing, and we had to rush to get all of the documents to them on time. We have met every deadline and have waited on them for everything. The worst thing is, there is nothing that we can do about it. I understand they may be busy, but if they're that busy surely they can afford to hire more people so that they can actually do the job that they're supposed to. I feel sorry for the people who are going to get screwed over when they delay closing for the fifteenth time. At least they didn't charge us. I want to charge them interest for the hundreds of thousands of dollars that they are holding on to. Ugh.
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Hours   Phone   (626) 229-5600 Address   155 North Lake Avenue Suite 500
Pasadena, CA 91101
Website   Email  
Contact   Jeanne Fleischman Other  
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