Robert Blanchard's review of Capitalwerks LLC

Capitalwerks LLC

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Ladera Lending, Inc
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JB Merchant Capital
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/27/2007
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Review 10/27/2007
I sued Capital Werks / Preferred Lease and I won! I sued them for (among other things) violating the deceptive trades practices act and I won. Many people who do business with Capital Werks and their related companies, say the companies are a “scam” Consumers complain that Capital Werks and their related companies promise to obtain lease financing for small businesses. They ask for a “lease deposit”, usually two lease payments, “up front.” Consumers complain that after being told that their lease had been “approved” they later learn that their lease had “not been approved.” And they say Capital Werks and their related companies refuse to refund all, or most of, their lease deposit. According to the complaints, the deposits are sometimes in the “thousands of dollars” That is what happened to me. I got so angry that I took Capital Werks LLC and related companies to Court. And I Won! In my suit, I accused them, among other things, of deceptive trade practices. Capital Werks did not contest the validity of my claim. I won a default judgment against them. I am now demanding that Capital Werks and related companies pay the Court judgment I have obtained against them. The statutory time period to appeal the judgment has passed. It is final. They must pay. I have a website to keep track of complaints.
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Santa Ana, CA 92707
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Contact   Mark McQuitty Other  
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